- You have 24 hours to make whatever you want for the gba.
- You can start coding whenever you want, but have to finish 24 hours after you start.
- After the contest, everyone who entered will get to see
the other entries, and each person can vote for one entry besides their own.
- Entries must be submitted before Monday 28th April.
- Send entries to
. If the entry is more then 100k then send a link to it.
- make the subject of your email something like "GBA contest entry" so I don't delete it thinking it is spam.
- A prize of $20 canadian goes to the entry that gets the
most votes.
- Rules subject to clarification and refinement at any time
The Entries
The winner is Dox, for the entry JAIG
What went wrong
- Co-ordinating the votes was a pain in the ass
- One person not sending in a vote delayed the whole thing by over a week
My next contest will definately be judged only by people sponsering the prizes
- The 24 hour rule was interpretted in a few different ways by different people
I think my next contest will be longer (2 weeks maybe) with the only time limit the closing date.
- Some people got pissy about the way the entries were distributed.
My next contest will have a rule clarifying how the entries will be displayed
- The issue of code reuse needs to be thought about a bit more.
I personally am happy with reuse, as long as the entry is significantly different from the old stuff
Obviously people should be allowed to reuse some stuff, such as image conversion tools, header files and low level libraries, but it isn't very interesting to have an old game submitted with some minor changes
- The contest was quite sudden, and I think it clashed with final exams for some people. If another super short contest is going to be run, a good date might be worked out in advance.
What went well
- Everyone seemed to have enjoyed making their entries
- I had a lot of fun, and was particularly happy to see sections of my code from S World being used (and working) in my entry - hiero.
- #gbadev on efnet, and got the contest information out to everybody fast, thanks guys!
In conclusion
See you all at the next contest!