You can play these games with Visual Boy Advance on the PC, Mac or Linux

The source code is available on request


Sworld 3
  • A side scrolling kill fest.
  • Shoot aliens, collect money, power up your weapons

Loop the Loop (256k)
  • A crazy snake type game
  • Eat the fruit
  • Draw a loop around everything else

Snake in the grass (132k)
  • A traditional snake game
  • Eat the apples, and escape out the top of the screen
  • L button during game to change music

Hierogyphic Man (63k)

Elevator (3k)
  • My entry in the GBA 4k contest (4th place)
  • Dodge the elevators while crossing the screen
  • Get to the top of the screen and advance to the next level

Frogtris (170k)
  • A *tris game based on my bunny xmas visonly game.
  • The emphasis is on a quick ramping up of the difficulty.
  • Play forever and 50 line modes
  • Happy dancing animals

Bunny Xmas (227k)
  • My entry in the 2001 Visoly Contest (2nd place)
  • A tetris like puzzle game
  • Long play, or story mode
  • Now with music and saving hiscores

Moshpit (14k)
  • Explore random maps
  • Pick up money by walking on it!
  • Kill monsters by walking into them!
  • press A to go down stairs '<'
  • press B to toggle walking / running
  • press L to toggle large/full map
  • press R to toggle stats screen

Tools (53 k)
A program to convert pcx files into a c file for 16 color sprites.
This program is very crappy, but comes with source, so you can bend it to suit your evil needs

There's always someone somewhere, with a big nose who knows - Morrissey
